
2024年 4月 3日 0 Comments


????emerging from the picture is an instructivescenario that a bright man pushes his own object easily and comfortablyafter cutting his square into a round one. the cartoonist, by this metaphor, is remindingthe characters in the picture as well as all of us that flexible thinkingis gaining more attention from all walk of life.

????no thinking man can refuse the value of havingquick wits which plays a key role in the fruitation of one’s even the whole natio
n’s bright prospect. several factors could weigh heavily for why weshould be ingenious, yet, suspended at the top of the list are the ones tocome. first, it is a fact universally accepted that this positive life attitudeis of indispensible value for our humanity to fulfill not just ournot-too-distant but the long-term future achievements. furthermore, in moderntimes, the spirit of blazing new trails has become an efficient andeffective way to solve complex ????problems both from individuals and society.

hence, it is vital for us to derivepositive implications from the above picture. for one thing, we shouldfrequently use it to enlighten the young. for another, we should cultivate theawareness of teenagers that to be agile is formidably essential. in thisway, we will win the smile of the whole world soon.??? [223 wds]



????emerging from the picture is an instructivescenario that in the left side of the cartoon is a man fishing with atraditional fishing rod, exhausted and anxious but only gainning one fish,while in the right side of the picture is another man fishing with an improvedfishing rod which bless him a lot of fishes. the cartoonist, by this metaphor, is remindingthe characters in the picture as well as all of us that innovation isgaining more attention from all walk of life.

????no thinking man can refuse the value of bringingforth new ideas which plays a key role in the fruitation of one’s even the whole nation’s bright prospect. several factors could weigh heavily for why weshould be innovative, yet, suspended at the top of the list are the ones tocome. first, it is a fact universally accepted that this positive life attitudeis of indispensible value for our humanity to fulfill not just our not-too-distantbut the long-term future achievements. furthermore, in modern times, the spiritof blazing new trails has become an efficient and effective way to solvecomplex problems both from individuals and society.

????hence, it is vital for us to derivepositive implications from the above picture. for one thing, we shouldfrequently use it to enlighten the young. for another, we should cultivate theawareness of teenagers that innovation is formidably essential. in thisway, we will win the smile of the whole world soon. [251 wds]






????emerging from the picture is an inspiringscenario that facing a broken bridge, three men, working together, exhibitgreat courage to mend it without any hesitation. the cartoonist, by this metaphor, is remindingthe characters in the picture as well as all of us that the right attitudetowards challenges is gaining more attention from all walk of life.

????no thinking man can refuse the value of thebraveness to conquer difficulties which plays a key role in the fruitationof one’s even the wholenation’s bright prospect. several factors could weighheavily for why we should be positive and active in face of hardships,yet, suspended at the top of the list are the ones to come. first, it is a factuniversally accepted that this positive life attitude is of indispensible valuefor our humanity to fulfill not just our not-too-distant but the long-termfuture achievements. furthermore, in modern times, the courage when facedwith adversities has become an efficient and effective way to solve complexproblems both from individuals and society.

????hence, it is vital for us to derivepositive implications from the above picture. for one thing, we should frequentlyuse it to enlighten the young. for another, we should cultivate the awarenessof teenagers that courage and confidence in overcoming difficulties isformidably essential. in this way, we will win the smile of the whole worldsoon. ????? [236wds]






? ? emerging from the picture is an ironicscenario that enterprise, milk stations and so on are trying to find someonescapegoating for the credit crisis of the toxic milk powder and absolving themselvesfrom responsibilities. the cartoonist, by this metaphor, is warningthe characters in the picture as well as all of us that willing to takeresponsibilities is gaining more attention from all walk of life.

????no thinking man can refuse the value of takingresponsibilities which plays a key role in the fruitation of one’s even the whole nation’s bright prospect. several factors could weigh heavily for why weshould be responsible, yet, suspended at the top of the list are the onesto come. first, it is a fact universally accepted that this positive lifeattitude is of indispensible value for our humanity to fulfill not just our not-too-distantbut the long-term future achievements. furthermore, in modern times, theinclination to take one’s duties has become an efficient and effective wayto solve complex problems both from individuals and society.

????actually, it is not the day of judgment! ifthe drastic measures would be taken immediately, just as laying down theassociative-effective discipline to reinforce our supervisal mechanism toavoid the behavior of kicking the ball when something bad happen,delivering the moderate outlook about the value of being responsible for theblunder and ensuring our manners more rational, we will surely get throughthis tough period before long.?????????? [247wds]



????emerging from the picture is an instructivescenario that in the left side of the cartoon is a youngster in front of a witheredtree, crying bitter tears and asking for help for he holding themisunderstanding that he can not water the dying tree but nobody willing tohelp, while in the right side of the picture is another young man, smiling and believingthat he can do it himself, watering the tree which flourishes with countlessrich fruits. the cartoonist, by this metaphor, is remindingthe characters in the picture as well as all of us that self-confidence andself-reliance is gaining more attention from all walk of life.

????no thinking man can refuse the value of standingon one’s own feet which plays a key role in the fruitation of one’s even the whole nation’s bright prospect. several factors could weigh heavily for why weshould be confident and independent, yet, suspended at the top of the listare the ones to come. first, it is a fact universally accepted that thispositive life attitude is of indispensible value for our humanity to fulfillnot just our not-too-distant but the long-term future achievements.furthermore, in modern times, the spirit of relying on one’s own effortshas become an efficient and effective way to solve complex problems both fromindividuals and society.

????hence, it is vital for us to derivepositive implications from the above picture. for one thing, we shouldfrequently use it to enlighten the young. for another, we should cultivate theawareness of teenagers that to be assured and autonomous is formidablyessential. in this way, we will win the smile of the whole world soon. ?????????? [285 wds]????


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